A Finn who wants to see the world
If someone would ask you, "who are you?", what would you answer? What
would be the most defining things that make you you?
I have been seeking an answer for that question for the past 7 years.
Luckily, it's a question to which you don't have to come up with an
answer. It's a question to which the answer will be found by looking back
to the things you spend most time on. But it's also a question that will
never have its final answer – it's always gonna be changing.
I'm interested in philosophy, fairness and equality. I'm also passionate
about reading, watching sports, playing video games, posting meme-y gifs,
and seeing the world. I hate doing the dishes or filing expense reports.
When I was younger, I was a shy boy who spent most of his times alone:
reading books, doing things with his computer or playing with LEGOs. As I
grew up, in my mid-twenties, I become much more social and I started
building communities and volunteer-based teams and started to care about
creating things for others. Luckily, reading, computers and LEGOs all have
been wildly helpful in that process.
I get very excited about things and I'm a starter. I don't have patience
for grinding or maintaining something for decades. I start something, see
if it works and then either stop or give it to someone else to continue.
Past years I've been suffering from panic disorder which keeps me from
flying. It sucks but luckily Europe is mostly land and I love trains. I
hope that one day I'll be able to fly back to California or see Australia
and Japan.
I love to write about technology and communities and share the knowledge I
have gained throughout my projects. I teach in various programming
communities, coach young entrepreneurs in startup communities and aim to
publish all my work with either open source or creative commons license so
that as many people as possible can enjoy them.
I'm also a minimalist. Few years ago I heavily downsized what I owned and
in 2018, I spent five months without an apartment, with my belongings in a
backpack living in friends' apartments as they were traveling. And I loved