Press Kit

The following information is provided to be used as-is for event organizers and media publishers.
Basic information
Name |
Juha-Matti Santala (I often use my nickname Juhis but both are fine. Either use full name above or Juhis. Don't use Juhis Santala.) |
Pronouns | he / him |
Where I'm from? | Turku, Finland |
Mastodon | | | |
Website | |
I am also the founder of Turku <3 Frontend (pronounced Turku loves Frontend, also written as Turku ❤️ Frontend), a developer community for frontend developers, students, hobbyists and designers and archipylago, a community for Python developers in Turku.
Tweetable (<200 chars so you can add a link to event/talk/my website)
A community builder, a web developer and a programming teacher, Juhis is passionate about the opportunities tech has to offer and wants to make tech accessible to everyone.
Short bio
Juhis is a developer community builder, web developer and programming teacher from Turku, Finland. When he's on a computer, he works on all parts of the stack from the backend to the frontend. When he's not on a computer, he's passionate about making tech a welcoming industry for everyone.
Medium bio
Juhis is a developer community builder, web developer and programming teacher from Turku, Finland. He has a background in web development in fast-growing startups, experience in building communities for startups and developers and a passion for inclusive communities.
You can find him from meetups and conferences or from the Internet experimenting with fun projects and new technologies. Through the startup world, he's also been exposed to a fair share of service design and often likes to debate whether something should be built at all.
Bio in Finnish
Juhis on devaajayhteisöjen rakentaja, ohjelmistokehittäjä ja ohjelmoinnin opettaja, joka haaveilee maailmasta, jossa kuka tahansa voi kehittää parempaa maailmaa teknologian avulla.