🍿 Start week on Monday in Obsidian Periodic Notes
Snacks (🍿) are my collection of recipes for solving problems. Often recorded (and cleaned up) from actual discussions where I'm involved in helping others with technical problems. Not all solutions are mine but I started collecting them in one place because you never know when you need one.
I use Obsidian for my digital notes and one of the plugins I use extensively is Periodic Notes that makes it easy for me to create weekly and daily notes with a keyboard shortcut. ⌘ + d takes me to current daily note and ⌘ + shift + d takes me to the current weekly note.
However, the periodic notes plugin doesn't support customizing which day the week starts with but it defaults to Sunday. I want to start my week on Monday which is customary where I live. The issue comes up on Sundays when I want to open my weekly note in the morning to see what I have planned for the day but the plugin already jumps to the next week's empty note.
I learned that you can install Calendar plugin, configure that to start the week on Monday and Periodic Notes will respect that choice.