Juha-Matti Santala
Community Builder. Dreamer. Adventurer.

Week 26 of 2022

Weeklies are my notes of things not big enough for a blog post but worthy of being mentioned and linked to. Find all of my Weeklies at /weeklies.

  • Building tabs in Web Components by David Darnes

    David documented beautifully his work building Web Component tabs for the NordDesign design system. I really enjoy how he shares the research, the considerations and the implementation - with examples.

  • Ultrasonic payments by Charlie Gerard

    Making payments via ultrasonic? That sounds rad. Charlie built a really cool demo showing how to transfer data via inaudible sounds with Javascript and it's pretty cool!

  • Major Version Numbers are Not Sacred by Tom Preston-Werner

    In this blog post, Tom - the creator of Semantic Versioning - talks about his views on major version number and how developers should not be too afraid to bump it up.

  • Ten Tips to Make Conference Talks Suck Less by Gunnar Morling

    Want to improve your public speaking but don't know where to go next? Check out this ten point list of improvement ideas from Gunnar! Also make sure to read the comment section and especially username orevial's comment for more tips. And if you're doing an online remote talk, why not check out my tips for giving talks online.

  • How I Created Neule.art by Eeva-Jonna Panula

    Eevis created neule.art to make it easier to see how different color combinations look on certain shirts. In this behind-the-scenes blog post she talks about how she converted the images to SVG using image tracing and then building a web app with integrations to stores.

  • Options for scaling written content as a devrel team by Dan Moore

    High quality written content is a great way for a tech company to further their reach. Whether it's via documentation and tutorials for using the product or more general thought leadership on the matter, written stuff is a good way to reach developers. But it's also time consuming. Here Dan shares his tips for scaling up written content as a devrel team.

  • Don't let dicts spoil your code by Roman Imankulov

    Python's dictionaries are great and very flexible: but they are also very generic. In this post, Roman walks you through how you can codify the business domain and the use case by converting dicts into objects.

  • I'm not a passionate developer by Juho Ylikylä

    Software industry is different from so many other industries because there's so much hobbyism and public sharing involved. A lot of developers like me, became developers because it was a fun hobby that turned into a career. A lot of developers like to share via blog posts or speaking in meetups/conferences/livestreams. And a lot of developers are always chasing the newest bleeding edge to see what the future holds for us. But it's totally okay not to. I'd estimate that vast majority of developers don't and there's a bias because you often don't hear from them. That's why I really liked this post by Juho. Whenever I've recently spoken to students and shared my story, I always try to emphasize that what you hear from people doing talks is very different from the majority of the developers and it's totally fine to just like doing your thing and writing code for a living.

  • It's okay for me to be wrong by Rach Smith

    Reading Rach's posts always resonates so much with me and I keep on nodding as I read and this post is not any different. While my journey has been different and the reasons for feeling originate from different experience, I too have struggled with my inner voice still telling me it's bad to fail and be wrong - and that only keeps you from trying.

  • React Finland, 12th to 16th September 2022 in Helsinki, Finland

    We're organizing React Finland conference in-person in Helsinki this upcoming September after a few years of online conference. We have a great line up of speakers and workshops, both from the Finnish scene and from around the world as well as a lovely community of participants joining. The tickets are available now via the link above so hoping to see you there!

  • Euruko, 13th to 14th October 2022 in Helsinki, Finland

    Euruko also returns to in-person conference this year and it'll be organized also in Helsinki this October. Call for Proposals is now open too so if you have something you'd like to share with the Ruby community, now's your chance. We had a lovely conference last summer even though it was remotely and I'm expecting this year's conference to be even better.

  • Aurajoki Overflow, new meetup in Turku, Finland

    Matias (who visited my codebase show last year among other great things) is setting up a new meetup in Turku called Aurajoki Overflow. The new meetup is focused on all aspects of software development with each month's meetup having a distinc theme. If you're in Turku and want to get involved with more developer community, I highly recommend Aurajoki Overflow.