Week 32 of 2023
Weeklies are my notes of things not big enough for a blog post but worthy of being mentioned and linked to. Find all of my Weeklies at /weeklies.
How to piss off your entire audience in one simple step
When you’re building something for an audience and are using that audience’s creative output as your input, make sure you ask their permission. Not only for legal reasons but also to make sure your audience won’t hate what you built without asking them.
Eevis published a very powerful blog post this week about what our societies end up defaulting to and why it matters so much. She also writes about how we software developers can create more equal software for everyone to use by paying attention to what we default to.
Some tactics for writing in public
Julia Evans once again comes with a great post, this time sharing tactics for how to survive the Internet as a writer
How to give advice on the internet without being an utter menace
How to recognize a Reply Guy and how to avoid being one