Snacks (🍿)
Snacks (🍿) is an experimental way for me to store programming recipes based on discussions I've had with people. Snacks are not large enough to be meaningful blog posts but I want to see what kind of collection of them I'll end up gathering over the years. For many Snacks, there will be involvement by others since that's how community works – but I also want to keep these Snacks mostly anonymous and disconnected from the original case as they are mostly just recipes. So I need to see how that works.
- PokeRogue on Steam Deck for offline play
- Invoke debugger on delay from bookmarklet
- Deduplicate feeds from NetNewsWire
- Force empty PHP array to become JSON object
- ,table to generate Markdown tables
- Inject active filepath to integrated terminal in VS Code
- Missing _lzma when trying to run Python code
- Prevent iTunes from opening with noTunes
- Cat Quest 2 on Steam Deck through Epic Games
- Postgres's Expanded display mode
- Archiving a site from the web
- A learning note in Obsidian
- Convert Youtube playlist to JSON
- Blurry text in Steam Deck
- Custom image sizes for Steam
- Fix 'Tried to use templateContent too early' error with Eleventy
- Explore JSON with jless
- Run shell command with previous command's arguments
- Pick values in nested structures with jq
- Send webmention via cURL
- Update JSON values conditionally with jq
- Firefox extensions: a workaround for extension storage update bug
- Bash: cut & prepend