Juha-Matti Santala
Community Builder. Dreamer. Adventurer.

Blog posts in category “Command Line”

Blog posts about different aspects of doing things on a command line

  • Jun 15th, 2024
    Multi-select, filterable command-line interface with inquirer

    I needed to build a script to manage my blog post relations and found inquirer and inquirer-search-checkbox a perfect combo for it.

  • Apr 1st, 2024
    Documentation pages from dotfiles with config-renderer

    Making dotfiles readable isn’t always easy. To tackle that challenge, I created config-renderer, a Python CLI tool that documents dotfiles as HTML pages with a bit of custom markup.

  • Nov 4th, 2023
    Use SQL to query your CSV files

    You don’t need to store your data in database just to be able to query it with SQL. You can use csvsql instead!

  • Oct 11th, 2023
    Handling JSON on command line

    JSON is a good format for programmatic use but it’s rather verbose to read and traverse unless you use JSON specific tooling. In this post I take a look at a few options: jq, jless and fx.

  • Jun 21st, 2023
    Give your commands consistent names

    A discussion in fediverse lead me to a wonderful path to learn about different approaches people have to wrap different software development commands behind unified interface.

  • Mar 17th, 2021
    How to parse command line arguments in Python

    Python is a great language for writing command line applications. Its built-in tool for parsing arguments is powerful and I gathered together some of the most used cases.

  • Jul 27th, 2019
    Why I love using command line interface?

    Command Line Interface (CLI) can seem ancient way of interacting with computers but it has many great benefits.

  • Jan 16th, 2014
    Command line magic with git and bash history

    So, in the beginning of January I started as an engineering intern in Chartio and since that my workflow has really improved a lot and I’ve learned and discovered some tricks.