Juha-Matti Santala
Community Builder. Dreamer. Adventurer.

Blog posts in category “Events”

Stories from and about events.

  • Jul 13th, 2024
    Future Frontend 2024 Recap

    This year’s Future Frontend conference was another great success with a lot of old and new friends, interesting talks and fantastic hallway discussions.

  • Jun 19th, 2024
    Tomorrow is Volunteer Responsibility Amnesty Day

    Volunteer Responsibility Amnesty Day offers a day twice a year to take a break from all volunteering projects and encourages to do introspection on what matters and is worthy of continuing.

  • May 15th, 2024
    Recap of 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good

    Last week, the first 11ty Conference, also known as the 11ty International Symposium on Making Web Sites Real Good, took place and it blew my mind. Here are the best parts, which is pretty much everything.

  • Apr 24th, 2024
    The Future of Jamstack panel discussion

    We had a great discussion about the future of Jamstack community with Mike, Benedicte, Sean and Miriam.

  • Mar 27th, 2024
    Chance of serendipity

    A lot of positive things in life happen by accident. But for them to happen to us, we need to be active, get out there and have an open mind for learning and meeting people.

  • Mar 24th, 2024
    I had a chat about personal web at The Future of Jamstack

    Mike invited me to chat with him about Jamstack, personal web and building cool stuff in the web.

  • Feb 26th, 2024
    THE Eleventy Meetup Feb 20th

    We had a lovely meetup with the Eleventy community. I talked about building meetup community sites utilizing Global Data Files and Robb talked about how he builds his website with Eleventy, pulling data in from various sources.

  • Feb 21st, 2024
    Talk ideas for new and experienced speakers

    Want to do a talk in a tech event but don’t know what to talk about? In this post, I share a non-exhaustive list of categories for different types of talks.

  • Feb 16th, 2024
    We organized a Code in the Dark event

    This week we brought our frontend community together for a fun evening of Code in the Dark shenanigans. Four teams, four rounds and 15 minutes per round to replicate a website from a screenshot - without being able to preview their result during those 15 minutes.

  • Jan 31st, 2024
    We have a great developer community scene in Turku

    2024 is looking very bright for developer communities in Turku

  • Jan 10th, 2024
    Join us at Future Frontend 2024

    Our next conference is coming June 13-14 and I want to invite you to join our lovely community of developers.

  • Oct 18th, 2023
    Great details on conference badges

    Event badges often include your name but the truly great ones include other details as well. I’m sharing some of my favorites from my box of memories.

  • Sep 20th, 2023
    How you can make conferences better

    There are a few ways we all can improve the conferences we attend

  • Aug 30th, 2023
    Use pangrams to avoid mistakes in conference badge prints

    If you have a name that is not just ASCII letters and you’ve participated in an event abroad, it’s likely you’ve had your name messed up in the badge. Organizers can avoid that with pangrams

  • Aug 12th, 2023
    Future Frontend 2023 Recap

    In June, we organized Future Frontend conference in Helsinki with a couple of workshop days followed by two great conference days full of amazing talks. Here's my recap and talk recommendations from the bunch.

  • Dec 14th, 2022
    DevRelCon Prague 2022 Recap

    DevRelCon in Prague was an amazing conference with a lovely community of developer community professionals. Here's my recap of the conference and my trip to Prague.

  • Oct 19th, 2022
    Ad-Filtering Dev Summit 2022 Recap

    October 5-6th 2022 I participated in Ad-Filtering Dev Summit in Amsterdam to learn about ad blocker industry, changes in browsers and to meet amazing extension developers. Here is my recap of the event and my favorite talks.

  • Oct 12th, 2022
    React Finland 2022 Recap

    In September 2022, I spent a week organizing and participating in React Finland. Here is my recap of the conference and my picks for interesting talks to check out.

  • Jul 6th, 2022
    Developer's Guide to Communities

    Dive in to learn why software developers benefit from joining developer communities locally and globally. Many of the best things in my life are a result of being active in communities and I'll share all my secrets to help you get started.

  • Apr 27th, 2022
    Shy introvert's (short) guide to speaking in conferences

    Being a shy introvert, tech conferences and especially speaking in them can be very scary. Somehow I ended up doing that for a living so here are my tips for making a conference trip easier to enjoy.

  • Apr 14th, 2022
    My trip to Django Day Copenhagen 2022 and Stockholm

    Django Day Copenhagen 2022 was a wonderful event full of great talks and amazing people. Here's my recap of my trip to the event.

  • Mar 16th, 2022
    I'm speaking in Django Day Copenhagen 2022 in April

    I'll be speaking in Django Day Copenhagen this year, on April 8th about Debugging Django. If you're around, join the conference and let's meet!

  • Sep 8th, 2021
    React Finland 2021 Recap

    I spent the previous week at React Finland 2021 conference that was full of very interesting sessions. Here's my thoughts about the conference and recommendations for talks to watch from the event.

  • Jul 14th, 2021
    codebase ep. 4: Web Components with Matias

    Web Components provide an API that allows you to write custom HTML tags with custom functionality. Matias Huhta joined me in codebase to talk about them and live code examples for how to get started with Web Components.

  • Jun 9th, 2021
    codebase ep. 3: PHP with Larry

    In the third episode of codebase, I sat down with Larry Garfield who has over 20 years of experience with PHP. We discussed the history and the future of the language and learned so much about how PHP has evolved.

  • May 12th, 2021
    codebase ep. 2: Clojure with Ykä

    In the second episode of codebase, I sat down with Ykä to talk about and live code a bit of web backend with Clojure. Here's a recap of what we discussed.

  • Apr 14th, 2021
    Introducing developer community show codebase

    codebase is a new developer community show on Youtube. It's a celebration of the variety of different technologies and developers working with them. In the first episode, I sat down with Fotis to talk about accessibility in web.

  • May 20th, 2020
    Tips for giving talks online

    Do you feel like doing presentations remotely from home is uncomfortable or challenging? Check out these tips for improving your speaker experience and the way you are perceived when giving talks.

  • Dec 24th, 2019
    Lightning talks

    Speaking in conferences is tough. It's both intimidating to talk to a large professional audience but it's also a numbers game with bad odds.

  • Aug 20th, 2016
    8 hours later + Turku <3 Frontend Hackathon

    Turku ❤ Frontend is a community of (mostly frontend) developers in Turku region that was started in December 2015. Between September and May, we organize meetups at local companies’ offices with talks and beers and during the summer break we just finished our first hackathon.