Say hello to Garden of Learning

I’ve been fascinated by people’s digital gardens for quite a while now. I love writing and reading blog posts but sometimes the chronological publishing format is not the best for every problem. I’ve always been into taking notes and I find note taking one of my strengths in the industry.
During last month’s Advent of Code, I did an experiment where I wrote notes about my solutions and technical concepts I learned during the month and published them as a digital garden. I’ll share more about that experiment next week in a retrospective post.
That experiment helped me find proper tools and configuration as well as figuring out how to best organise the garden in an Obsidian vault.
Thus, today I’m happy to let the world into my notes that I’ve planted in the Garden of Learning. It’s the next stage of my experiment in sharing my notes with the world. I won’t stop writing blog posts but in addition I’ll keep a subset of my personal notes available at the Garden.
It will no doubt evolve over time but in the ethos of learning in public, I decided to start publishing them once I got the first two hundred or so notes reorganised and I’ll keep working on reorganising the rest as I work with my notes.
If something above resonated with you, let's start a discussion about it! Email me at juhamattisantala at gmail dot com and share your thoughts. In 2025, I want to have more deeper discussions with people from around the world and I'd love if you'd be part of that.