Juha-Matti Santala
Community Builder. Dreamer. Adventurer.

Blog posts in category “Batteries included”

A series of blog posts about Python's standard library.

  • Aug 31st, 2024
    Blaugust 2024 retrospective

    Another Blaugust finished with 31 posts in 31 days. I got to share my love for Python and its standard library over a series of posts that hopefully inspired readers to learn something new.

  • Aug 30th, 2024
    Book recommendation: Fluent Python (2nd Edition)

    Fluent Python is one of the best - if not the best - Python books and will help you become better at writing pythonic code.

  • Aug 29th, 2024
    What’s coming to Python in 3.13 and 3.14

    With new Python versions in the horizon, what goodies can we expect to see?

  • Aug 28th, 2024
    Couple of great Python podcasts

    Python community has so many great podcasts to learn more from. Here are 4 picks of the ones I’ve been mostly listening lately.

  • Aug 27th, 2024
    Quick prototyping with sqlite3

    Python’s sqlite3 bindings makes it a great tool for quick prototyping while you’re working out what it is exactly that you’re building and what kind of database schema makes sense.

  • Aug 26th, 2024
    Parse command line arguments with argparse

    In 2021 I wrote a blog post documenting argparse in a way that made more sense to me. This year for Blaugust and Batteries included, I want to resurface that for those who are new to argparse.

  • Aug 25th, 2024
    Pretty print and validate JSON on command line with json.tool

    Python has a variety of command line interfaces that can be run without writing any code or starting a REPL. Json module has one that I use quite regularly.

  • Aug 24th, 2024
    Test your codebase with unittest

    Few weeks ago I wrote about doctest and today, I’m looking into another way to write tests that is built in to Python: unittest.

  • Aug 23rd, 2024
    Branch out with pattern matching

    Since Python 3.10, Python has had support for pattern matching which is made it my all-time most anticipated release when it came out. It makes branching while capturing data to variables a breeze once you get used to it.

  • Aug 22nd, 2024
    Serve local HTML and CSS files with http.server

    python -m http.server provides a handy way to spin up a local server for your files.

  • Aug 21st, 2024
    Bring your custom toolkit to REPL sessions

    You can bring in your favourite tooling and most used imports to every REPL session with environment variable PYTHONSTARTUP.

  • Aug 20th, 2024
    Keep track of happenings with logging

    Python provides good basic functionality for logging in its standard library.

  • Aug 19th, 2024
    Memoize with functools.cache

    Do you have computationally expensive functions that are called often? Memoizing is a strategy that caches results in memory so the full computation can be skipped in future calls.

  • Aug 18th, 2024
    map and filter with list comprehensions

    Python has map and filter functions but we like to use list comprehensions instead because they flow off the tongue so smoothly.

  • Aug 17th, 2024
    Combine iterables with zip

    Combine or iterate over multiple iterators at once by zipping them together.

  • Aug 16th, 2024
    Random number chosen by fair dice roll

    Python’s random module offers tools to generate pseudo-random numbers.

  • Aug 15th, 2024
    Write more pythonic code with context managers

    Context managers enable you to create “template” code with initialisation and clean up to make the code that uses them easier to read and understand

  • Aug 14th, 2024
    Combinatoric iterators from itertools

    itertools module offers four combinatoric iterators that generate different combined outputs from one or more iterable.

  • Aug 11th, 2024
    Data classes in Python with dataclasses

    Python has a couple of methods to implement data class pattern. Last week, I looked into namedtuples and today, I’m writing about a newer option: dataclasses.

  • Aug 10th, 2024
    Rotating turn order with deque

    deque is a double-ended queue that I’ve used to implement rotating turn order for a (very simplified) game engine.

  • Aug 9th, 2024
    Debug with pdb and breakpoint

    Python’s standard library comes with good tooling to debug your code – and a lot of community-made tooling that can be configured to take your debugging productivity to a whole new level.

  • Aug 8th, 2024
    Document intended usage through tests with doctest

    There’s a lot to like about Python’s doctest module. It enables you to write tests as examples in your documentation, fulfilling two important duties of tests.

  • Aug 7th, 2024
    Improved print readability with pprint

    Pretty print module provides more readable prints for complex data structures

  • Aug 6th, 2024
    help() me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you’re my only hope

    Python’s built-in help system is your companion when developing or debugging Python code.

  • Aug 5th, 2024
    Count ‘em

    Python’s Counter provides a way to count items in iterables or mappings and get them in a dictionary-like object with a small handful of handy methods.

  • Aug 4th, 2024
    Improve your code with namedtuples

    We continue our journey in Python standard library by taking a look one of my absolute favorites: namedtuple. It’s like a regular tuple but adds documentation, making your code cleaner and easier to read.

  • Aug 3rd, 2024
    Reading and writing CSV with Python

    Python has great tools for reading and writing data in CSV format.

  • Aug 2nd, 2024
    Parsing nginx server logs with regular expressions

    Regular expressions are fun. In this series of Batteries included, I write about Python’s standard library with practical examples.

  • Aug 1st, 2024
    Blaugust 2024: Batteries included

    August’s blogging festival Blaugust is here again and this year, I’m writing about the goodies in Python’s standard library.