Juha-Matti Santala
Community Builder. Dreamer. Adventurer.

Added keyboard support to ON24 with bookmarklet

Bookmarklets are fantastic. Not having a keyboard support for a web app is less fantastic. Here's a short story and bookmarklet of how I added keyboard (and by association, presentation clicker) support to ON24's Webinar platform.

Two weeks ago I was preparing to give a talk at sthml.js meetup remotely from my home studio (I call it a studio: it's a webcam on tripod + wireless mic) and we were using ON24 as a webinar platform for that meetup.

During our rehearsal session the day before the meetup, I noticed that there was no keyboard support for switching slides which also meant that my Targus presentation clicker (that emulates(?) keyboard) didn't work either. I had to move my mouse over a small arrow and click that – not a fun thing to do when I'm standing in front of a camera and talking to an audience across the pond.

As someone who likes to hack things to build the functionality I need, I figured I can do this by myself. Instead of building a Chrome extension for this that I knew I'd maybe need that one time instead of constantly, I went to the bookmarklet route.

Bookmarklets are small Javascript scripts that are triggered when a user clicks on a bookmark that contains that code. Since all I needed here was to translate some key presses into Javascript click events, I figured bookmarklet is the simplest way.

Here's the full code. I started by adding functionality for left/right arrow keys but then learned that my clicker actually sends PageUp and PageDown presses so I added them in.

const prev = document.querySelector('.arrow-btn.prev')
const next = document.querySelector('.arrow-btn.next')

const LEFT_ARROW = "ArrowLeft"
const RIGHT_ARROW = "ArrowRight"

const PAGE_DOWN = 'PageDown'
const PAGE_UP = 'PageUp'

document.onkeyup = event => {
    if(event.code === LEFT_ARROW || event.code === PAGE_UP) {
    } else if (event.code === RIGHT_ARROW || event.code === PAGE_DOWN) {

In bookmarklet, it looks like this:

javascript:void(function() { const prev = document.querySelector('.arrow-btn.prev'); const next = document.querySelector('.arrow-btn.next'); const LEFT_ARROW = "ArrowLeft"; const RIGHT_ARROW = "ArrowRight"; const PAGE_DOWN = 'PageDown'; const PAGE_UP = 'PageUp'; document.onkeyup = event => { if(event.code === LEFT_ARROW || event.code === PAGE_UP) { prev.click(); } else if (event.code === RIGHT_ARROW || event.code === PAGE_DOWN) { next.click(); } }})()

To create a bookmarklet, you can drag ON24 KEYBOARD SUPPORT to your bookmark bar. Then you navigate to your presenter mode in ON24 and click the bookmarklet.

Voilà, you have keyboard and clicker support.