Blog posts in category “Opinion”
Rare opinion pieces about topics.
Feb 5th, 2025Look for deep discussions, not a mentorship
I have recently gained new ideas for how to approach finding mentors through deep discussions and long-term perspective.
Jan 1st, 2025Human curation over algorithmic recommendations
I want to learn and explore new things based on recommendations by other people rather than machines design to maximise engagement.
Sep 18th, 2024Do one thing well and communicate with others
I want software that does one thing, does it well and interoperates with other software so I can use the ones that provide user experience I enjoy rather than being tied to a single option by a big tech corporate.
Jul 24th, 2024Art forgery, LLMs and why it feels a bit off
There’s a phenomenon that explains why art forgeries and LLM generated pieces spark negative feelings in us even if the output is as good or even better than one made by a human.
Jun 30th, 2024Why a personal site rather than social media presence?
Kev Quirk answered the question in his blog and I wanted to add my two cents on top. It’s a topic close to my heart as a website owner and personal web advocate.
May 25th, 2024A lot of advice is a product of survivorship bias
Chuck Wendig wrote nicely about the survivorship bias in advice writers give.
May 22nd, 2024Inflexible systems grind my gears
It’s a tragedy when a computer saying no can cause an otherwise doable interaction to not take place.
Apr 3rd, 2024Sharing podcast episodes is weird
Podcasts operate on top of open RSS but trying to share an episode with a friend is just a weird and bad experience. In a radically better world, it wouldn’t have to be.
Jan 27th, 2024Please, don’t force me to log in
The current accelerating trend of requiring accounts and logins for everything has to stop.
Feb 8th, 2023In defense of Quote Toots
Three blog posts in a trenchcoat: I write about quote toots (and why I'd like to have them), the desire to have same features in all apps and the problem of monopoly over content & delivery.
Jan 19th, 2022Rant: Please stop ruining the search
If I want to watch a Nicolas Cage movie in Netflix on a Friday night, I'd search for Nicolas Cage and expect to get movies starring him as a result. I don't and it sucks.
Oct 17th, 2013Computer illiterate generations – what should we do?
There has been a lot of discussions during the last years about the IT education of young people. Today, the topic once again popped out in Finnish news when Finnish Broadcasting Company wrote a news piece about the level of IT education in Finnish elementary schools.