Blog posts in category “Podcasts”
Podcast episodes, reviews or discussions
Dec 23rd, 2024Three Rules, a new podcast by Matt D’Avella
Matt started a new podcast where he brings in guests to discuss their three rules that have helped them reach success or happiness.
Apr 24th, 2024The Future of Jamstack panel discussion
We had a great discussion about the future of Jamstack community with Mike, Benedicte, Sean and Miriam.
Apr 3rd, 2024Sharing podcast episodes is weird
Podcasts operate on top of open RSS but trying to share an episode with a friend is just a weird and bad experience. In a radically better world, it wouldn’t have to be.
Mar 24th, 2024I had a chat about personal web at The Future of Jamstack
Mike invited me to chat with him about Jamstack, personal web and building cool stuff in the web.
Jan 25th, 2024Python Bytes featured Syntax Error
In the episode 368 of Python Bytes, Brian talks about my January newsletter issue of Syntax Error.
Apr 8th, 20208 tech podcasts I listen
Podcasts are a great source of learning and staying up to date on what's happening in tech. I listen to a bunch of them during my commute or when taking a walk. Here are the podcasts aimed towards software developers that I listen to.